Duration of implementation: 2min

Adjust Program Notifications

Notifications keep you partners and program managers informed about key program related activities like leads submission, rewards creation, payments and more. Adjust From Name, Subject and Message.


To adjust notifications for your partners and program managers navigate to settings > notifications. There you can adjust: 


From name - make it clear to your partners to know from whom they are receiving a message by adjusting the "from name".  After change the from name it will be automatically changed for all notifications. 

Subject - check and adjust if necessary the notification subjects. 

Message - you can also adjust the email text but make sure not to delete some important placeholders like #reward-value# or others. Placeholders are used for data which is automatically filled in from GrowthDrive database. 


You can test each notifications by clicking on the test button. The email will be sent to the program owner.


Check and adjust frequency for recurring reports


You can choose to adjust the email frequency for recurring reports to make sure your partners are not overwhelmed by program emails.

Note: Your partners can also adjust the report frequency and also the types of notifications they want to receive in their notification settings. 


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